Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Continued Evolution- Grisette tasting.

Yum. This is one of my beers that I have been really digging as I continue to taste it over time. The main reason being that it was accidentally 'infected' with Brettanomyces at bottling time. Some of the bottles got a dose, and some didn't. The ones that did have evolved into something magical.
A great golden color with a champagne like effervescence and a thin but lasting moussey head. Complex wine like aromas of citrus, oak, hay, light brett touch. Dancing on the tongue with stronger flavors of those same aromas, with the brett a bit more apparent. Good bitterness present, but no hop flavors really. Toasty oakiness. Quick finish with little lingering taste, only a touch of bitterness. Very dry.
This has now had almost five months in the bottle and is at around six months after the day it was brewed. I like that each bottle continues to evolve and move on to something else. It's pretty great. It was a great summer beer and I look forward to enjoying the remaining bottles I have over time and into next summer.
First tasting.

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